The United Kingdom is set to depart from the EU and the Customs Union. The EU and the UK are currently negotiating on a trade agreement, however your business and staff should be prepared. Once we have more formation on this, we will make it available on our website.
When the UK leaves the EU it will be treated as a third country and as so different customs regulations will apply.
If you actively import or export product from and to the UK you will have to declare these goods. This also applies if you transport said goods through the EU. Excise goods will also be affected. You will not only have to deal with the procedures of the EMCS, you will also have to file an import/export declaration.
We are hoping for the best, but should be prepared for the worst. So until an agreement is reached kindly get familiar with declaration procedures as all trade activities with the UK will have to be declared to Customs.
The attention to all economic operators is being drawn to the latest BREXIT readiness communication by the EU Commission on how to get ready for the end of the transition period.
All information on the readiness for BREXIT and the application of Excise duties, Value added tax (VAT) – goods, Value added tax (VAT) – services and Customs, including preferential origin, can be found through the following links:
Further information pertaining to post Brexit Customs
Other useful links
Updated 19/10/2020