NOTICE The Department of Customs wishes to inform the general public, regarding the extension of the opening hours of the Excise section office, which is situated just across the street from the main Customs building at Lascaris Wharf. The opening hours have been permanently adjusted as follows: Winter Schedule Monday to Friday - from 07.45 am to 05.15 pm (Continuous) Saturdays - from 0800 am to 1200 noon Summer Schedule Monday to Friday - from 07.30 am to 03.30 pm (Continuous) Saturdays - from 0800 am to 1200 noon AVVIŻ
Id-Dipartiment tad-Dwana javża illi l-uffiċċju tas-Sezzjoni Sisa li jinsab f'Xatt Laskri l-Belt, faċċata tal-binja prinċipali tad-Dwana, qed jestendi b’mod permanenti l-ħinijiet li fihom jagħti s-servizz tiegħu lill-pubbliku u lill-komunita' kummerċjali kif ġej:
Skeda tax-Xitwa Mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa mit-7.45am sal-5.15pm (mingħajr waqfien)
Is-Sibt mit-8am sa Nofsinhar
Skeda tas-Sajf
Mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa mis-7.30am sat-3.30pm (mingħajr waqfien)