18 other stolen vehicles from Canada were seized by Customs this week in the department’s continuous fight against illicit trade.
Customs officials, through their scanning equipment, intercepted 18 other stolen vehicles in the past week bringing the total amount of stolen cars seized so far to 42.
5 Ford F150, 1 Ford F250, 2 Lexus RX35, 2 Jeep Gran Cherokee, 1 Jeep Wrangler, 2 Honda CRV, 1 Chrysler, 1 Chevrolet Taho, 2 Dodge Dura, 1 range Rover, which were hidden in ten 40foot containers, were en-route to Abu Dhabi.
The Malta Police Force and the Canadian Authorities have been informed about the find and an investigation has been launched.
Malta Customs’ efforts helped Canadian Police file charges against 9 persons suspected of being linked to violent carjackings. Last month, Canadian Police recovered 88 stolen vehicles, 24 of which were seized by Malta Customs.