Four passengers travelling to Dubai, Turkey, The Netherlands and Iraq were found to be carrying a total of €71,375 in undeclared cash by Customs officials.
Two Maltese passengers en-route to Dubai and Turkey were found to be carrying €33,200 and €17,400 respectively, in undeclared cash. The Maltese passenger travelling to Dubai was asked whether he was carrying any cash when Gypsy the Customs Canine reacted positively towards him. The passenger said he was carrying around €10,000, but thorough checks revealed that he was carrying €18,200 and another €15,000 in his checked-in luggage. €10,000 were returned to the passenger whereas the rest of the withheld cash was placed in the depository. The passenger was taken and placed under arrest by the police.
During random currency checks, another Maltese passenger was found to be carrying €17,400 whereas a Dutch passenger was found to be carrying €10,345, in undeclared cash. Another €10,430 in undeclared cash were intercepted by Charlie the Customs Canine on a Syrian passenger travelling to Iraq.
The Maltese, Syrian and Dutch passengers were offered an out-of-court settlement to which they agreed to and signed and were administered a fine.