
Director General

Main Areas of Responsibility


  • To formulate proposals and give quality advice on all matters relating to the Department of Customs, and following decision thereon translating the Minister's policies into a strategic plan for implementation.
  • To manage, control and direct the Department of Customs to ensure that its functions are properly discharged, with efficiency and economy especially through the promotion of a restructured and more flexible organisation.
  • To contribute to the development of tax and customs policies in the EU and the World Customs Organisation.
  • To build a modern Customs Administration which compares favourably with the Customs Administration in EU Member States.

Core Functions


  • To formulate policy and direction within the framework set by the Minister and the Permanent Secretary.
  • To develop the strategic business plans and key priorities for the Department of Customs which will lead to the achievement of strategic objectives.
  • To ensure the proper and correct use of resources: Human including manpower budgeting and advice on structure, complements and postings in order to develop a highly skilled, motivated and adaptable workforce.
  • Financial including submission of draft Estimates and advice on priorities, and responsibility for expenditure within Ministry of Finance guidelines in order to maximise return.
  • The development of suitable systems and mechanisms for measuring, monitoring, and evaluating performance.
  • To manage the Department of Customs and promote the use of Information Technology to make a significant contribution to the e-Government Agenda.
  • To ensure the provision of Quality Service and Customer Care in accordance with the Department's Charter by improving the effectiveness of the Department's operations and the service it provides to its customers.
  • To ensure that the priorities set by the European Union are duly achieved.
  • To establish clearer lines of responsibility and accountability and best practices are identified and disseminated.
  • To work in partnership with EU and other WCO Customs Administrations.
  • To be a member of the Tax Compliance Unit Board, Ministry Management Committee and to be Chairman of the Departmental Management Committee.
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