
Clearances from Other Departments

Plant health

The Plant Health Directorate is responsible for the plant health aspects of import and export arrangements applicable to plants and their propagation material, plant pests, plant produce and growing media entering Malta. The aim of this work is to prevent the spread and introduction primarily of quarantine pests of plant material and plant products but also of pests and diseases affecting quality and to promote appropriate measures for their control.

Therefore, all goods that need to be inspected by the plant health directorate need clearance from the stated department so that Customs can release the goods in free circulation. 

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Environmental Health Directorate

Customs can release these goods in free circulation after inspection from the Environmental Health Directorate. This Unit is responsible for the control of the importation of all imported foodstuffs including:
  • Live animals; Fresh red meat and meat products; Poultry meat and poultry meat products;
  • Rabbit meat, game meat (wild/farmed) and products thereof;
  • Fish products, fresh and frozen fish and dry and/or salted fishery products;
  • Whole eggs, egg products, hatching eggs;
  • Lard and rendered fats;
  • Animal casings;
  • Milk and milk products whether or not for human consumption;
  • Processed animal protein;
  • Honey;
  • Semen;
  • Embryos/ova;
  • Hunting trophies;
  • Manure;
  • Gelatin;
  • Frogs’ legs and snails;
  • Bones and bone products;
  • Hides and skins;
  • Bristles, wool, hair, feathers;
  • Horns, horn products, hooves and hoof products;
  • Apiculture products;
  • Processed pet food;
  • Raw material for the manufacture of pet food;
  • Raw material, blood, blood products, glands and organs for pharmaceutical use;
  • Blood products for technical use;
  • Pathogens; and
  • Hay and straw.


Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority (MCCAA)

Importers play a vital role in product safety, by working together we can all help minimise injury, illness and death related to unsafe goods. Therefore, understanding the details of requirements for any relevant regulations that apply to product lines and finding out if and what mandatory warnings, information and documentation need to go on or with the product before it enters the market helps us to protect the rights of consumers.

Border Inspection Post (BIP)

All containers containing food with contents of animal origin which are coming from Third Countries and destined to other Member States need to be inspected by the Food Veterinary Regulation Division (FVRD) of the Agriculture and Fisheries Department.

In order for your consignment to be cleared by Customs and be released in free circulation you need to have a validated CVED certificate.

For live animals, consignments must be accompanied by the appropriate documentation such as veterinary certificates issued by the official veterinarian in the country of origin or import licences.

Commerce Department

The importation of certain goods are subject to an import licence issued by the Trade Services Directorate. Please refer to the Importation Control Regulations, 2004 (L.N. 242 of 2004) for a full list of goods needing a trade licence.

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The exportation of certain commodities is also subject to an export authorisation by the Trade Services Directorate. These commodities include military equipment, dual use goods, antiques and articles or objects of historical value, carts, cabs and landaus, Malta stone and objects made there from, rough diamonds and certain petroleum products. 

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Information related to Brexit

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CITES regulates international trade in specimens of species of wild fauna and flora, that is export, re-export and import of live and dead animals and plants and of parts and derivatives thereof, based on a system of permits and certificates which can be issued if certain conditions are met and which have to be presented before consignments of specimens are allowed to leave or enter a country.

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The CITES Secretariat has issued a notification to the Customs authorities on the unauthorised movement of CITES listed specimens by diplomats. 

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Environment & Resources Authority

CN Codes requiring Environment & Resources Authority Clearance.

CN Codes requiring ERA Clearance - 13th January 2010
CN Codes requiring ERA Clearance - 7th October 2010

Updated Administration Directorate 18/06/2020



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